Disclaimer: This section has been written for a male audience and to serve the needs of our male readers.
It contains information that some (female readers) might find disrespectful. It is by your own choice that you have arrived here.
Having an affair is probably more common in Thailand than in most other countries in the world. Of course there aren’t that many official figures, but according to a DUREX research in 2012, Thailand is in the top 5 when it comes to infidelity. And according to a survey by a.o. the Thai Health Promotion Foundation, more than 70% of Thai men have multiple sexual relationships.
Although some Thai people like to deny it, having an affair is very much part of society and culture in Thailand nowadays and in the past, there are even some historical roots for it. Men of more important families used to have a major wife and minor wives (mia noi) and even today sometimes you still hear this word.
Another word loosely used to refer to a sexual exchange without a serious relationship is the word 'gik' (กิ๊ก). A gik is:
I. the girl or guy you have an affair with outside of your relationship, or it’s:
II. someone you have sex with without being committed.
Some giks are OK with a loose relationship without money, others expect some benefits
Note that you can have a gik both when you're single and when you're in a relationship, the main point is that you're not having a serious relationship with that person. Loosely translated into English, it's close to the Western concept of having an affair, although in the second meaning of the word you can have a gik without being in a relationship.
Some locals even use the slang word gak (กั๊ก) to refer to the boyfriend or girlfriend of your gik, but this is not widespread (yet). However, it shows how well-established the concept of gik is in everyday society in Thailand.
Sometimes giks are given presents or are taken care of in other ways, but very often it's without money, more for fun. If a gik expects some monetary return, it can be both cheap (a few thousand baht per month) and expensive (ten, twenty or thirty thousand baht per month).
Some foreigners and websites believe that a gik is someone you always pay for, but that's entirely untrue and they mix up the concept of a gik with that of a sideline girl. It merely shows that they haven't explored all grades of paid and unpaid sex in Thailand and they should become an Insider of this website to know better. Also, some foreigners suggest that to find a gik you should covertly ask around with your friends but that's not a smart thing to do especially with female friends, you will only loose your face and there are better ways to get a gik but not like that.
Most girls won’t like to hear the word gik being applied to themselves, they’d rather be a real girlfriend, but nowadays people get more loose about it and some are fine to be gik. Most of the time, you hear the word gik when people are talking about someone else. Almost everybody knows someone else who has a gik, but rarely a Thai will tell you directly that this or that person is his / her gik, other than in a joking way.
Meeting your gik in your own apartment is not always a good idea.
Alternatives are love hotels or having a second place for it.
Some foreigners choose to stay single in Thailand because for their needs most Thai girls don't offer enough to be a real girlfriend with commitment. If you choose so, you can become a single Serial Dater after you have studied and practised the instructions in this ebook carefully as an Insider, and you have mastered your online dating and pick up skills. You can bring new girls to your room all the time or have a few regular giks on rotation.
When you're in a relationship, having an affair with a gik can be both a cause of a problematic relationship and a solution to it. A cause: when your girlfriend suspects that you have a gik, for sure there will be tensions in the relationship, she might start spying on you or be fighting over nothing. A solution: when the relationship you’re in is somehow not satisfying enough, having a gik can be a solution Thai-style to deal with it.
If you decide to have a gik, there are various ways to handle that.
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