A few property related services that you could use lawyers for are:
There is no system of escrow in Thailand and lawyers generally do not act as notary in property transactions.
Typically, a lawyer in Chiang Mai charges THB 5,000-10,000 for making and co-signing a Purchase Agreement and about the same amount for making a Will, however the prices for execution of the Will could be much higher.
Unfortunately, similar to real estate agents practises in Thailand, legal practises in Thailand often operate at very low professional standards and it's not easy to find a good lawyer in Chiang Mai. In addition to that, Thai law itself is rather poorly organised, even in the opinion of Thai lawyers themselves.
We believe that most legal aspects concerning real estate can be dealt with without involving a lawyer. We have compiled and redrafted some standard documents into better versions than most agents and lawyers use, for to you to download or to use with our help:
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