Home Alone Outcall Massage Chiang Mai

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(Recommended by massage lovers)

Home Alone Outcall Massages Chiang Mai

Home Alone Outcall Massage is Chiang Mai's best and largest outcall massage agent, which a great selection of hot and skillful girls ready to massage you when you need it.

โฮมอะโลน นวดนอกสถานที่เชียงใหม่

Home Alone is Chiang Mai's most complete and efficient outcall massage agent: with one click you'll be offered a great selection of girls with various skillsets, each of them could be at your doorstep within the hour. Besides this, Home Alone can also provide entertainment girls to spend time with in a restaurant or bar.


Home Alone works with 5 groups of girls:


These are girls full-time employed by Home Alone's partner shops. You can either book them in-house in the partner shops or outcall in your hotel room.

These girls are actively trained, monitored and managed, so you're unlikely to get disappointed about the service. The outcall menu for these girls is interesting and there is always a happy ending, however please note that the focus is in the first place on giving a sensual massage and not on extras. You can of course discuss and negotiate some extras with the girls directly, but not that most girls in this group don't like to offer 'full service' (sex).

Besides enjoying this service in the comfort of your hotel room, you can also enjoy it in-house in one of Home Alone's partner shops. The advantage of that is that there are more girls to choose from (because not all girls working in a shop want to do outcall), that there are even more packages to choose from, and that it's a little bit cheaper for you (because there is no travel charge for the girl).

Price range: various prices

=> Choose from this group of girls if general and sensual massage skills are more important to you than 'extra options'.


You can book these girls for a massage in your hotel room, outcall only. These girls are not trained by Home Alone or its partnershops, they work by themselves, however Home Alone does monitor their performance.
The only package available to book is Gogonutz, however freelancers are generally more eager to discuss extra options even going all-the-way (full service, sex).

Price range: THB 900 / 60 min - THB 1,100 / 90min

=> Choose this group of girls if going as far as possible in 'extra options' is more important to you than general and sensual massage skills,



At the demand of customers, Home Alone can also arrange for outcall massage by girls working at various body-to-body massage parlours. Obviously, these girls are focused on go all-the-way, after a (body-to-body) massage. Note that Home Alone does not train these girls, they all have a work base somewhere else and are supposed to have been trained there, but Home Alone does monitor their performance. Amongst the services provided are also overnight stay and entertainment services (going out together for dinner, drinking, watching a movie and so on).

Price range: THB 2,000 / 60 min - THB 2,300 / 90 min

=> Choose a girl from this group if you are mainly interested to go all-the-way, after a massage or a body-to-body massage.


These girls work at various massage shops, some of them are students.

Price range: THB 3000 / 90 min

=> Choose a girl from this group if you want to relax with a soft massage to bring you in the mood first, to continue the session going all-the-way, with a young cute girl (some of them students).



This is a completely different group of girls from the previous groups, because the girls here do not provide massage, they provide entertainment. Thai men book entertainment girls typically to go drinking and partying, usually at night and often in groups of friends, often at restaurants and night venues and sometimes at private (pool) parties. These girls will sit with you drinking, eating and chilling out, having fun and sometimes partying more rough style. Entertainment girls are most used to working like this, often the girls come in pairs so they feel more comfortable / safe and will be more lively chatting with the guys and with each other, but in principle you can also book them alone for a romantic dinner if you will, to parade by your side when you go shopping, to show off to your friends on outings, or to be your personal guide during sightseeing.

Most entertainment girls are young, cute to pretty and they enjoy going out for drinks or party and they don't mind late nights. Most entertainment girls cannot speak another language that well, so unless you can speak Thai,  if you book a private arrangement with her alone, don't expect lengthy or deep conversations because that will be hard. Some girls can speak some English or Chinese, but the selection obviously gets smaller. These type of girls blossom most when you book them in pairs so there are no awkward silences.

Within this pool of entertainment girls, there are 3 sub classes:

  • N - entertainment only: she'll sit with you, poor you drinks, chat (mostly in Thai) and keep you company
  • NR - more intimate entertainment: she will allow you to be extremely touchy when she sits with you
  • V (VIP) - she'll sleep with you after the drinking or going out


  • If you book an N girl (entertainment only), it means there is no commitment to sex. The girl only meets you outside in a restaurant or bar, she doesn't meet you at your hotel room.
  • There are also arrangements for "VIP" only, meaning going straight to your place and giving you the VIP treatment (sex)
  • If you book an N girl for a day program, most of these girls are not officially licensed tour guides, they are just there for company and show you around.

So if you book an N girl, don't insist on bringing her to your place, just behave like a nice guy and see how things go. If she likes you and feels comfortable with you, get her LINE and then in principle any direction is possible. You'll reach most by being nice, being a gentleman and being generous.


  • N 4hrs: Enjoy the company of an entertainment girl for a period up to 4 hours - THB 2000
  • N 2hrs: Enjoy the company of an entertainment girl for a period up to 2 hours - THB 1500
  • N PAIR 4hrs: Enjoy the company of 2 entertainment girls for a period up to 4 hours - THB 3500.
    This can be a good package to make the girls feel at ease, because some of them may feel awkward or unsure when meeting a foreigner and if their language skill isn't great, they will be more bubbly if they come together.
  • NV 5hrs: Enjoy the company of an entertainment girl for a period up to 5 hours and subsequently go all the way with her - THB 7000
  • V 2hrs: Go straight to 'business' and do your deed with her - THB 5000
  • V Holiday 3 days: Take her on a trip to the beach, pay all expenses and pay her for her time - starting from THB 35,000 for the girl, in addition, you pay for hotel, flights, food and so on.
    This is recommended mostly after you get to know the girl. She has to feel comfy with you and you have to be sure that you like her to be around all the time.

For entertainment girls, please let us know at least one hour before so we can find which girls are available at the time you want to go out and meet them.


Home Alone Outcall Massage Chiang Mai menu โฮมอะโลน นวดนอกสถานที่เชียงใหม่
* Prices include traveling fees within the city. If your location is further out, there may be additional traveling charges

NOTE ON 'EXTRA OPTIONS': Home Alone only offers what is plainly on the menu. If you want to ask extra options (such as taking off shirt, taking off all clothes, full service and so on) from the girl, that is strictly a private arrangement between you and the girl, Home Alone does not sell such extra options. In general, girls in GROUP II Freelancers tend to go further in what they are willing to sell than girls in GROUP I Full-time employed, however Home Alone does not guarantee which girl possibly sells which extra options.
In any case, affiliates of Home Alone never allow full service inside their premises.

Gogonutz® massage is a sensual oil massage that makes most men go nuts, hence the name Gogonutz®. What’s great about this package is that it will empty your nuts, so there’s no need for awkward discussions anymore. Just relax and let the hands of the masseuse do their job. (Performed with a mix of coconut oil. If you're still not clear about what this package entails, watch a visual explanation here.)

Fourplay® is a Four Hands Gogonutz® massage (in other words: two girls driving you nutz), especially suitable for those who can't get enough of a good thing. For once in a lifetime, indulge in this summit of pampering and go through the roof with two beauties by your side.


GoPro® Prostate Massage is a combination of Gogonutz® and Prostate massage, especially suitable to those purely interested in pleasure with a capital 'P'.
The Prostate is also called men's P-spot, in analogy to the female G-spot, and when triggered in the right way, it can make you go off like a rocket. GoPro® is only performed by a few selected staff, as it requires skills and knowledge, so please book in advance or ask the counter.
However, if you're new to prostate massage, it is recommended that you first have at least one session of Karsai massage (see below), because this is the more complete treatment that involves both aspects of pleasure as well as health.

Read more about Prostate massage here

GoToe® Massage is a sensual massage that includes a sensual play with not only hands, but also feet! Absolutely unique in Thailand and a dream package for foot lovers and others with a distinct taste. GoToe® is naturally best performed when you book two girls (simply ask the reception for the price of GoToe-by-Two). GoToe® is only performed by a few selected staff.

Karsai (incl. Prostate Massage) is an ancient Thai genital massage aimed at clearing blockages in the scrotum, ducts, testicles and penis. It is a genuine therapeutical massage conducted by a certified practitioner, not a happy ending massage. Prostate massage is a natural part of the Karsai treatment and the prostate is not only massaged for pleasure but also to improve your future sexual performance, amongst others.

Read more about Karsai here

Home Alone Outcall Massage Services Chiang Mai in action โฮมอะโลน นวดนอกสถานที่เชียงใหม่
Home Alone girl in action


You are welcome to walk in and see which girls are available, but if you want to be sure of a certain staff, it's best to book in advance preferably through LINE (smartphone application) or by phone call.

Phone: +66 (0)940159038
Whatsapp: +66 (0)940159038
LINE ID: home-alone-massage
WeChat ID: homealonecnx
Kakaotalk: homealone88

Home Alone outcall massage Chiang Mai QR code LINE Home Alone Outcall Massage Chiang Mai QR code Whatsapp Home Alone Outcall Massage Chiang Mai QR code WeChat
QR codes of respectively LINE, Whatsapp and WeChat

NOTE: please make sure you are ready to open the doors of the building for the staff if there is a security system


Every day (including Sunday, Monday and public holidays unless announced here) from 10:30 hr until 23:00 hr.


Most customers book outcall massage in their hotel room, some in a love hotel nearby, but if you would like to enjoy the massage with a girl in a normal massage shop, that's perfectly possible in one of the shops of Home Alone's affiliates, which have a much better atmosphere than love hotels and offer completely private rooms with aircon.


  • GROUP I: for in-house booking (massage in one of our affiliate shops) you don't have to pay for traveling fees of the girl
  • GROUP II: for in-house booking (massage in one of our affiliate shops) you still pay for the traveling fees of the girl, since these girls are freelancers and have to travel from their house to the shop
  • GROUP III: no in-house booking available


It is highly recommended that both the customer and the staff wear a mask, but we know that some customers prefer to enjoy the beauty of the staff and ask her to take off the mask. In such case, we recommend that the customer wears a mask.


Home Alone strives to provide the best service to its customers. We have several systems in place to train, monitor and review our staff. Home Alone can control the quality of staff in GROUP II Fully employed staff much better than in GROUP I Freelancers.

Should there nevertheless be any issues, you should contact us as soon as possible even during the treatment.

At the same time, please be aware that not all staff may be willing to do all the extra things that you desire and always stay a gentleman, which naturally induces the best the best treatment by our staff: you won't be the first one our staff wants to date, if you're a real gentleman!


Kindly make sure that you have enough cash to pay the girl when she arrives in your hotel room. Staff may not always have enough change.
If you have a Thai banking app, you can also pay with your phone.


Home Alone Outcall Massage Services Chiang Mai sexy freelance girls Home Alone Outcall Massage Services Chiang Mai sexy freelance girls Home Alone Outcall Massage Services Chiang Mai sexy freelance girls


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This information was outsourced and compiled by our partner cmXlocator. For more information, please contact cmXlocator@gmail.com or become an Insider member here to get full access to all Male Entertainment info. Copyright cmXlocator.


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What do you think about this article?

Jordan Posted on February 18, 2025 at 10:48:30
Can you get back to me I need a girl at my house
Kim Posted on February 12, 2025 at 12:16:58
Can I make a reservation tonight for a freelancer masseuse?
I'm at CheZ Pom hotel now. (59, 11 Loi Kroh Rd.)

Thank you.
Ivo Posted on November 24, 2024 at 16:20:37
After a home alone massage who is available
Hotel in old town Chiang Mai
Moocha Posted on September 03, 2024 at 19:56:11
Hi and greetings. I would like to have an out call tonight GogoNutz. I am at old town.
Tony Posted on July 26, 2024 at 23:21:31
Hi and greetings. Is Tangmo available for out call today GogoNutz. I am in Muang CM.
Kinds regards.
Khun Tony.
Marty Posted on June 18, 2024 at 07:54:26
Looking for sideline girl
Barny Posted on May 14, 2024 at 15:37:06
hi, could I get some pictures of the Group 2 freelancers please??
Mike Posted on December 13, 2023 at 06:22:05
Hi, are there Ladyboys available for tonight or later this afternoon for outcall, do you have photos?
supermon Posted on December 10, 2023 at 05:54:29
may I have photos of group 2 freelancers
e2x10 Posted on November 10, 2023 at 10:01:57
pics please
Leo Posted on June 12, 2023 at 04:30:14
Send me pictures of the masseuses please
Steve Posted on February 09, 2023 at 11:50:26
Do you have outcall massage available tonight?