Ending a Thai relationship

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Last edited: October 28, 2017 at 07:03:07

Breaking up should be a relatively simple matter compared to finding a girl or making things work in a relationship, but in Thailand it can be easier to find a girl and start something with her than to break up a relationship or an affair. More than in other countries, Thai women are very emotional creatures and for many of them love and marriage are the ultimate goal in life. They don't have real hobbies or interests, they don't have a passion for things but the one thing they go for is love and when you break up with them all that love must be turned into something else, which is a hard one to take for anyone, so better hope it's not hate because it's said that hate is solidified love.

It's probably true to say that it's easier to have a Thai women fall in love with you than to make her fall out of love with you, no matter how imperfect you are.
So, ending a relationship may not be the easiest thing you did in Thailand and in some cases things may turn nasty. Thailand probably features the highest number of cut-off penises and also the highest number of medical specialists to sew the thing back on, but less severe, fights amongst girls aren't the most beautiful thing to watch either.
Luckily, Lanna culture is rather mild and excesses don't happen too often in Chiang Mai, as far as reported.

Having affairs, spying, breaking up and revenge are essential parts of the eternal cycle of love life in Thailand

Whether things turn nasty or not depends on how much the girl likes you, whether you've been nice to her or whether you've been a complete bastard, and if third parties were involved. Third parties typically are: your own girlfriend when you've been having an affair or the boyfriend of your affair that you didn't know of. More rare, but possible cases happen when her family is upset, for example because there was an expectation or if you made her pregnant.

Things become most complicated when you're involved with several girls at the same time, not only for the girls who are no doubt suspecting something but also for yourself when you start to have some feelings for both.
One reason why Thai girls hesitate to come to your apartment is because they are scared that you're lying about being single, that there is another woman living with you and that they will run into trouble. It's not always honorable intentions that drive them, but they do want to avoid a confrontation with another woman.

Another outcome of your dating with Thai girls that you don't want to experience, is when a Thai guy is involved on the other end: the boyfriend or lover of the girl you're seeing, whether you knew about him or not. Even if it was her decision to go for you and leave her Thai lover, in a worst case, he'll trace where you live and one night might show up in your lobby.

Compared to third-party trouble, just dealing with the girl only is easier, but it's still hard when the girl can't let go and keeps coming to your apartment.

Love trouble in Thailand amongst locals is so common, that probably most love songs sing about it. Thai people love drama and partly copy it from soap on TV.

Many Thai love songs sing about unrequited love, betrayal and smartphone tactics.


  • how to break up with a Thai girl with least trouble
  • making a clear cut versus leaving things open
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