Sex is often the big unknown, the big unspoken of factor of many relationships and yet it is one of the most important drivers of a healthy relationship.
If love is the joining power that binds the ship together, sex is the energy of the wind (or engines) that make it move.
A relationship can be platonic, but to reach deeper levels, it must be consumed.
Talking about sex is a sensitive topic in all cultures, even in farang culture, although you may not think so, when watching movies for example.
All or nothing. You can just go-with-the-flow or you can get to know some things that might help you and your foreign partner and you can de-mystify some misconceptions you may have about sex life with a foreigner.
Yes and no. It all depends on you and your partner. However, in general, there are some differences.
Foreigners (except for Chinese ) are said to be more active in sex than Thai. That is, they are more undertaking and experimental, perhaps like to try different positions, expect more of a special experience than an average guy who just want to get rid of his excess energy.
So, if you want to keep your guy happy, just work along with it as much as you are comfortable with, but don't do things you really don't want to do. Keep an open mind to what he likes, and be more open to discuss with him what he want, and ... what you enjoy.
Openness, even in your sex life, will tremendously improve your relationship, it will make the relationship deeper and more rooted. After all, sexual energy is one of the most powerful forces there is on this planet and still one of the most mysterious ones.
You may think so, after watching some American movies or after having a bad experience chatting with a rude foreigner online, however this is not representative for all foreigners, of course.
As far as we know, there is no scientific proof that foreigners of a certain country or region are sexually more active than others, and so foreigners in general are not more crazy about sex than Thai men. One reason why it may seem so is probably because foreigners are more open to ask or discuss it than Thai.
Again, this varies very much between persons, and it depends in the first place on your mutual connection rather than on someone's 'individual performance'.
But, as some foreigners are more active than Thai men, yes it's possible that sex with a foreigner can bring you to new heights that you haven't experienced before.
Jokes are often made about the size of his male organ and how it matters. It is true that farang generally are blessed with a bigger size than Asians, but then some Africans have even bigger instruments.
Does it mean that sex with African should be the best? Not necessarily.
When talking about sizes, it’s actually more important that you are equally shaped. If he is too well-endowed, it may even be painful and not pleasant to you.
Again, what determines a good and healthy sex life is much more dependent on your connection with him, the chemistry, and both your awareness in love-making. Culture and size matter much less than love, communication, trust and connection.
There is a lot of talk in female magazines about ways to have sex, how to (make him) last longer, how to reach orgasm, and how to become more sexy and attractive to men.
Some of that is true, some of that is not.
As explained before, the key to a healthy sex life is to have an open mind and most of all to build your relationship on the pillars of trust, love and connection. A healthy sex life cannot thrive on mistrust and lies or lack of love.
So more important than simple tricks to improve your sexual experience, you should focus on the main pillars that make up your connection with him.
Having said that, there are still practical things you can do to enhance both your sexual experience.
Finally, although foreigners are often more aware and careful about sexual risks, always have safe sex (using a condom) until you know that you are both committed and free of diseases.
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This information has been compiled and written by QpidConnections and is targeted at a Thai female audience.
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