All about Touch Massage (指间传情按摩)是一家独特的按摩和水疗中心,位于时尚的尼曼海明区,能够充分满足尊贵的绅士及女士们的需求。
顾名思义,All about Touch(指间传情)提供一系列不同的服务,所有这些服务都充分发挥了触摸的独特魅力。这个地方的迷人之处在于它所提供的按摩服务兼顾愉悦和理疗效果,将二者无缝结合到了一起。无论您是喜欢柔软滑动的感官精油按摩、清爽的身体磨砂、性感的舞蹈按摩还是挑逗的涂抹护理中的诱人触感,All about Touch (指间传情)的女孩们都能为您带来愉悦。如果您寻求治疗效果的话,这里也有各种有趣的套餐可供选择。
在All about Touch Massage(指间传情), 您可以期待:
All about Touch Massage(指间传情)提供清迈最有趣的按摩菜单,内含您在清迈,甚至全球任何其他地方都见不到的独一无二的按摩套餐。所有的按摩服务旨在满足绅士及女士们的愉悦及健康需求。
GOGONUTZ® MASSAGE - 令大多数男人为之疯狂的精油按摩,因此得名Gogonutz®(疯狂)。此项套餐的特点在于能够清空您的郁结,再也没有必要进行尴尬的讨论了。只需要放松即可,技师的双手将会让您感受到 一切。Gogonutz@同时也是大多数其他套餐的基础。
FOURPLAY® 是一项四手Gogonutz®按摩服务,尤其适合那些对单人服务欲求未满的顾客。还有什么比接受两位女孩的同时服务更令人着迷的呢?尤其是四只纤纤玉手按照迷人的节奏交相呼应,两只手握住坚硬的部分,另两只手轻揉软肋,两只手主导,另两只手配合,您将彻底沉沦于手指间的统御。
PLAYME® 是一项内含趣味,调情,轻绑,大屁股等软元素在内的趣味套餐,最终缓慢以Gogonutz按摩收场。这不是硬核SM服务,尽管它本质上或多或少包含一些能够让人感到兴奋和满足的同种元素。PlayMe®没有完全固定的脚本,整个过程如何推进视技师的个人风格和您的幻想内容而定。对于大多数的顾客,1小时的PlayMe足矣,但是如果您想放缓享受过程或者您想要女孩们按您的幻想剧本来表演的话,您还可以选择1小时20分钟的服务。
SUKEBE® GO 是一种情趣按摩舞蹈体验,将Sukebe Pole Dancing® (色情钢管舞)和情趣Gogonutz按摩完美结合到了一起。女孩们在服务过程中所呈现的钢管舞和按摩服务比例将由您来定。部分顾客从一开始就沉迷于Sukebe Pole Dancing® (涩情钢管舞),因为这样的场面他们在其他地方都从来没有见过。Sukebe Pole Dancing® (色情钢管舞)由All about Touch(指间传情)的一位创始人发明,于2022年3月首次面世。“Sukebe” 「スケベ」是一个日语单词,意思是“变态”或“淫荡”,也可以自由翻译成“性癖”。
HIMALAYA® SCRUB 是一项互动式有趣的水疗套餐,从磨砂护理开始,让您的皮肤光滑,然后融合更多挑逗元素,包含打飞机服务。 为了给治疗增添趣味,工作人员穿着优雅的比基尼连衣裙,您可以用水枪向她喷水以示感谢;)。
GOPRO® MASSAGE 将Gogonutz®按摩和前列腺按摩结合到了一起。前列腺上有男性的P点,类似于女性的G点,如果以正确的方式触发,它可以让您像火箭一样飞起来。
请注意:前列腺按摩将会触及身体内部,因此女孩会将手指放在您的屁股上(戴着手套)。 前列腺按摩时间不能太长,只是一段时间,所以这是一般情趣按摩和前列腺按摩的结合。如果您有前列腺问题,请先告知接待员。如果您患有前列腺炎,则不应进行前列腺按摩。
GOTOE® MASSAGE 是一种包括足部按摩在内的情趣按摩。
KARSAI(抓龙筋)是一种古老的泰式生殖器按摩,旨在清除阴囊、管道、睾丸和阴茎中的堵塞物。这是由训练有素的从业者进行的真正的治疗性按摩。前列腺按摩是 抓龙筋治疗的自然组成部分,前列腺按摩不仅可以带来愉悦感,还可以提高您未来的性能力。
I. 基础级别,适合只想尝试的男性。如果您没有任何健康问题,并且游戏元素很重要,那么这对您来说就足够了。
II. 高级级别,适合有生殖器健康问题或健康和治疗元素最重要的男性。
抓龙筋的大多数学派建议最好不要在治疗期间射精,这样会使按摩的治疗效果下降,但大多数顾客都会忍不住想要射精,射精后 All about Touch (指间传情)的所有治疗师都会免费提供缓解服务。
ALL ABOUT TOUCH(指间传情)提供清迈最多元化的触摸方式
LINGAM MASSAGE - 林迦按摩 - 林迦按摩是一种针对男性生殖器的密宗式按摩。它不同于“正常”的快乐释放按摩,因为它更侧重于骨盆区域,运用了更多的抚摸技术(应该以不同的心态应用),并使用边缘和波浪技术,可以延长您的快感,并可能让您体验多次性高潮。如果您不急于射精,并且喜欢对您的生殖器接受长时间的爱抚治疗,那么林迦按摩是适合您的。林迦按摩还提供 Deluxe 版本,更加贴心。
CHI NEI TSANG - 气内脏按摩 - 这是一种真正具有治疗效果的按摩,主要针对腹部的内脏器官。这些器官储存了大量的能量(气)和情绪,这些能量和情绪可能会被阻塞并影响您的健康。标准的泰式按摩经常忽略腹部和腹部区域,因为按摩治疗这些敏感部位需要通过培训和获取专业的知识。 Daisuki 有几位经过认证的气内脏按摩从业者。身体从未被碰触的器官首次接受专业的按摩服务,这注定是一种极为美妙的体验。这种治疗方式可以起到缓解压力和排毒的效果。
注意:请不要在治疗前暴饮暴食,或留出至少 2 小时消化最后一餐
AKASURI 是一种韩式身体磨砂膏,旨在清洁皮肤上的污垢和旧皮肤细胞。女按摩师使用奶油、蜂蜜和盐的混合物来擦洗顾客身体,让其毛孔张开,然后冲洗掉旧细胞。 您应该注意到在 Akasuri 治疗后您的皮肤会变得更加光滑。除此之外,对于一个(年长的)男人来说,将婴儿般的裸体交给一个年轻女孩的手来清理身体中污垢可能是一种特别纵容的体验。
All about Touch Massage(指间传情)店内通常有大约7-12位迷人的年轻女孩。没有排队系统,您可以自由选择自己想要的按摩师。请注意,每个按摩师的风格都是不同的,有的女孩更可爱,有的按摩力度更强,有的聊天很有趣等等。如果您有特定的喜好,最好提前询问接待员。
电话 : +66 (0)842431928
Whatsapp: +66 (0)842431928
LINE ID @781wreta
注意:请按时到店,接待员可以保留您的预订 10 分钟,之后工作人员将可以接待其他(进店)顾客。
All about Touch Massage LINE的二维码(左)和WeChat(中)以及Whatsapp(右)
添加Line ID以获得关于工作人员的更新。
组团 (同时到店3人以上): 请注意,All about Touch Massage有充足的接待能力同时迎接组团的客人,但是您最好是提前预定。如果您一起(3人以上)到店的话,我们无法保证立即为您安排可用的房间和按摩师。
每天(包括星期天,星期一和公共节假日,除非另行通知)从10:30 营业至23:00。
深夜顾客请注意:为了方便深夜有按摩需求的顾客,门店可以在23:00后激励部分员工加班,只需额外收取200泰铢的费用(给女孩,而不是门店)。因此,如果您希望在23:00之后接受按摩服务的话,价格将增加200泰铢。如果您的按摩在 23:00 之前开始并且还有工作人员可用,则价格是相同的。
交通便利,位于宁曼区外缘的僻静位置,距离宁曼中心约10 分钟步行路程。只需向东前往 Sirimangkalajarn 路,沿着 Sirimangkalajarn 路的 soi 3 一直走到尽头,您就会在您的左手边边找到这家门店。
地址:清迈(50200)孟清迈T. Suthep, A.的soi 3 Sirimangkalajarn路23/2
GPS坐标:18.795869, 98.973519
停车的话沿着soi 3或角落处都有可能。请注意,在Nimman区停车的话都都会相对紧张,所以最简单的方法是汽摩托车或步行。临街也有数量有限的停车位。
All about Touch Massage 位于主干道旁一座可爱的联排别墅内。该建筑经过精美翻新,拥有不少于 12 间带空调的完全私人按摩室!如果你想和一群朋友一起来,空间没问题,只要确保你预订了女孩即可。每层楼都有充足干净的新浴室。全天候提供干净的棉质床单和毛巾。
All about Touch Massage致力于为顾客提供最好的服务。门店为达到这一目标极为用心,不断增加员工培训,提供员工技能,改进门店管理和预定系统,加强与顾客的沟通等等。
All about Touch Massage尤为注重客户的快乐和满意度体验,顾客们往往都会成为回头客并推荐好友前来,同时随时欢迎您的问题反馈、评论或投诉。
同时,请尊重工作人员。 绅士才值得获得最好的待遇。
All about Touch Massage还可以通过电邮aat.cnx@gmail.com 联系。
Yuyie is without a doubt one of Chiang Mai's most promising massage therapists. Well-prepared with a solid Thai massage training in 2019, she continued Karsai studies with Tangmo in the style of the Pathum Thani school and completed a Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage training in the Tao Garden style in 2022 and also did an additional specialised Karsai course with Ong Massage School in 2022. She then did another Karsai training with Ausika school in Bangkok. This probably makes Yuyie the most diversely trained Karsai massage therapist in Chiang Mai, with training and knowledge from so many main schools in Thailand! It also shows her desire to be able to give a true healing therapeutical massage to her customers.
Only active in the massage world for just a few years and still young, she is already one of the most gifted and most dedicated massage therapists in Chiang Mai. Now people can study what they want, but if their heart and attention is not there, in the end they won't reach high. That is not the case with Yuyie: she is full attention and care and puts her heart into the treatment. This is why she has healing hands and the pressure is always right and she can touch you in exactly the right spots. True healing can only occur from real attention and care, not just from the right technique alone, and Yuyie is able to combine both.
Yuyie is both good in massage for pleasure and in therapy massage, but her true calling is in the latter and for sure she has a long and shiny career ahead of her.
Since giving a Chi Nei Tsang and Karsai Nei Tsang treatment require a certain concentration and physical endurance, Yuyie only accepts a limited number of bookings per day, so make sure to secure your session in her busy day schedule.
Sky studied Chi Nei Tsang and Karsai Nei Tsang at Ong Massage school and also learned Karsai from Breeze in the Pathum Thani school style, so she is well versed in the art of Karsai and Chi Nei Tsang from all main styles. Sky is one of a kind, with her excellent English language skills and unique mindset, she is very entertaining.
Sandy studied Karsai Nei Tsang at Ong Massage school, both for male and for female. Sandy has a great eye and feel for detail and is lovely and dedicated to her customer. The Ong Massage school massage style is very therapeutical and focuses only on health issues, so if you also enjoy a playful element, tell Sandy during the massage so that both health and pleasure are dealt with.
Nadear provides a wonderful Karsai massage treatment that is worth it every stroke. Nadear is a student of khun See in Bangkok, who learned Karsai from various schools and sources. Nadear's style of Karsai is very thorough, with clear points and techniques that are very practical and focused on treating a certain problem. If you choose Nadear, don't eat anything just before the session, let your meal digest at least 2 hours before, because if you allow, she can exert quite a bit of pressure on the belly area during the Chi Nei Tsang part of the treatment. Also, if you do have any issues, you may experience some pain during the treatment to relieve and cure the issues. Of course, Nadear will adapt her treatment according to what you are willing to take, but in the original way it can be quite sensitive in case of real issues. So this is not just a soft caressing play towards a HJ like you find in some fake Karsai treatments, no, Nadear is really working on your genital health.
Part of the treatment consists of a real and thorough internal prostate massage, where Nadear will penetrate you from the back. This position is also very suitable to treat sciatica (pain along the main sciatic nerve) that can arise from office work.
Nadear is a very talented therapist and an eager student who no doubt will keep learning and already at her relatively young age you will notice that she's very knowledgable about your genital health. Besides that, she is a lovely person that you will not be able to say no to when she asks if you want to be relieved with a HJ at the end. Contrary to most schools of thought in the world of Karsai, in Nadear's style of Karsai massage, it is believed that men should ejaculate at the end of the treatment to check the quality of the sperm. This is perhaps a Chinese influence (traditional Chinese medicine or TCM) where the therapists can derive from the color, smell, viscosity and transparency of the sperm if there is a problem in your sperm bladder, your prostate and so on.
Bear in mind that Karsai is a natural healing method void of any chemicals or quick result bearing Western medicine (such as alpha blockers) and that for real issues, it is recommended to have one or more repeat sessions after 3 days or so.
Summarized, Karsai massage with Nadear is not only a pleasure (for the eyes and for the heart), it is also a true healing and health supportive treatment that you will want to have again and again, even if completely healthy.
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