Daracha Thai massage shop. Daracha also calls itself a spa, but it's more like a plain massage shop, not a real spa.
Judging from it's clean and pleasant presentation, my hope was that Daracha Massage would be different from the many massage shops in town. I was wrong. Yes, the interior especially in the lobby is clean and the presentation of services looks almost like a spa, but in the end everything is just the same as an average massage shop offering the boring standard Thai and oil massage.
Daracha's menu looks different, because it uses exotic words to describe its packages. I tried the Swedish Fusion package which claims to be rejuvenating and a mix of Thai and Swedish but in the end is nothing more than a mediocre Thai massage with some oil massage at the end.
The lobby and the furniture of the shop look charming, that's probably the best part the shop is selling, but you can't eat furniture neither can you really enjoy it when the masseuse is pressing on what should be but aren't always the right points. I felt rather bored during the treatment, reverting back to my smartphone to have something to do, if the Thai massage part was deep and solid enough, I would at least have fallen into a deep sleep as I sometimes do in the right places, mostly when I get a firm blind massage in a very basic place, but not so in Daracha. If the massage was sensual, at least it would have been uplifting. If the oil massage was on the right pressure lines, it would also have been rejuvenating but, like in most places, it was simply a rub to let oil be absorbed into your pores as if it was lotion.
Daracha knows how to present it well, from the pictures, from the cold tea before and after the massage and the foot cleaning before, but that's about all good I remember from this treatment.
The rooms upstairs are inadequate: the aircons takes ages to cool down the rooms and the small rooms are misdesigned to be far too small and uncomfortable for the therapist to work in. The rooms look clean because everything has been painted well.
Overall, the bill was 500 baht for a so-called Swedish fusion massage which was nothing more than an average standard Thai and oil massage, so that's rather expensive considering that you can usually get an oil massage around in town for about 300 baht.
Besides in-house massage, Daracha tries to sell outcall massage services under the name Home Massage, without much exposure though.
Overall, forget about Daracha unless you want to take a picture of yourself sitting on a fancy couch drinking tea. There are better options in town.
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