International Post Office (Ratchadamnoen Rd)

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Ratchadamnoen Road Chiang Mai, Thailand
18.787720, 98.992908


International Post Office (Ratchadamnoen Rd) photos

International Post Office (Ratchadamnoen Rd)

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Bubba C Posted on August 09, 2024 at 15:23:21
The cat lady working here is very crabby, rude, and bad tempered!! She had barricaded the door and you had to wait outside while she brought stamps to you. No receipts allowed.
EIJI KIRA Posted on July 17, 2024 at 06:03:07
A parcel sent from U.S.A is missing though it's said "delivered 15 July"
tracking NO. is EH103594221JE
Can you kindly check the situation please ?
Talitha Lovatt Posted on March 25, 2024 at 05:13:44
Hi, I’ve been trying to contact for several months in regards to my missing parcel EE000979344TH, can you please assist me with this?
Talitha Lovatt Posted on March 05, 2024 at 04:58:58


I have recently been informed that my parcel never left the depot, this was sent in November. I will need this parcel to be delivered to the following address in Australia as soon as possible as I have recently moved out here on a working holiday visa.

34a Brea Street
Coorparoo, QLD, Brisbane

Can you please provide the receipt once this has been sent, or provide an explanation as to how I can receive my parcel.
Kevin Posted on September 04, 2023 at 08:16:59
Can I send a guitar back to Australia and how much??

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