Salad Terrace Suandok is one of two branches of Salad Terrace, the other one is in Changpuak area. Provides great salads and food.
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Recommended dishes: rice dishes and salads
Not recommended dishes: pastas
Price indication: very reasonable; average meal about THB 100-200 person
Open: every day from morning till 9pm
While most people think of Salad Concept when one refers to a salad restaurant in Nimman area, Salad Terrace is actually a very, very worthy alternative. If it comes to salads only, I do prefer Salad Concept, because the dressings are put on more modestly, but in Salad Terrace the overall menu is much larger. The staff are well trained and attentive, perhaps the best trained anywhere else I've seen in Chiang Mai, the place is spacious and well-decorated and ... Salad Terrace has its very own farm.
The story of Salad Terrace is an interesting one. Run by a (Chinese) Thai family, the business started with a farm of hydroponic vegetables (water-grown) in Maerim. They then supplied supermarkets and restaurants (including the Salad Concept) with their vegetables. After a while, they started a small restaurant in Changpuak area, which did not attract the masses but a small group of medical doctors and other regular customers. When the new building Suandok Park was in construction, these doctors invited the family to start a branch there, closer to where all the medical staff works. Now, Salad Terrace Suandok is the more well-known of the two branches.
One thing I like about this place is that it embodies the concept of produce straight from the farm to your plate, without time delay and without a middleman, so that the food not only is fresher, but cheaper: it's what we call the farm-to-table concept.
Another thing I like here is the large menu which not only offers combinations of salads and vegetables and meat, but also has some rice and spaghetti dishes, that you don't find in Salad Concept. Salad Concept is good for those who like to skip carbo's, paleo dieters and so on, but more "normal" eaters who crave something more than veggies and meat will find Salad Terrace offers more.
The rice dishes are okay and served with a mix of brown and white rice, the pasta dishes didn't impress me, so I'd stick to rice next time.
Prices are very affordable and there are no hidden charges such as service charge and VAT.
Open every day from morning until 9pm.
The salads are fresh, just ask for less dressing on it
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