Holi Health Massage is a business specialising on providing Karsai treatments both to men and to women. As it is Chinese run, it mostly focuses on Chinese customers.
There are branches in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket and Chiang Mai.
เหอลี่ นวดเพื่อสุขภาพ
Lured by it's famous name and luxurous facilties, I decide to give Holi a try. I planned to do that already a while ago in Bangkok, but the steep prices (around THB 5000 for a 'master' treatment) made me hesitate. In Chiang Mai, the business has lowered the prices somewhat, probably because Chiang Mai is cheaper in most regards than other places in the country, but still THB 2,400 is not cheap if you compare it to other Karsai venues in town.
Upon entering, there are 2 ladies waiting in the shop, middle age to aged. As this business claims to provide authentic and good Karsai, I don't care at all about the looks of the women, I come here for the real treatment. Not interested in hanky panky happy ending.
The standard Karsai treatment here takes 1.5 hours. The lady takes a lot of time to do a general Thai massage that I can get done better for 200 baht down the road, but it's okay as a warming up or cooling down. Finally, when she comes to the belly massage, it's done very hard and not that accurate. There are not that many points that she presses, the so-called Karsai points. I'm a massage professional and had many Karsai massages, so I know something about it.
The genital massage is also done poorly: the lady deliberately goes to the point of making me feel hurt. She believes that she has to pull my balls so hard that it will hurt until I feel my kidneys. While a moderate amount of pain is fine, the so-called 'healing pain', she doesn't know how to dose it so that I can still relax it in while healing is supposed to occur. Many of the points she presses are not really accurate or they don't really make sense, when you get a real massage you know which point feels right and this often isn't it.
When I ask her where she learned her Karsai she is avoiding to answer straight and says from various places, while the 'master teacher' is in the lobby. The woman behind the counter who is a receptionist? Yes, that's her.
The entire treatment is rather unpleasant, I cannot trust her hands to treat me well. I had no pre-existing conditions other than a little more peeing at night, and the lady doesn't understand where it comes from: a BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia), which is very common for aging men. In Karsai, there are proper ways to treat it but she doesn't know them. Instead, she thinks my urine tube has an issue and starts to squeeze and pull the shaft extremely hard. She already pulled my balls very hard and when shower after treatment I can feel them hurt and they are hanging 1-2 cm lower than before. I can't sit properly on my motorcycle because I'm sitting on my balls and the tubes are a little painful too.
So I had no issues other than the very common enlarging prostate and she doesn't know how to treat it, instead she gives me other issues that I didn't have.
Overall, I'm surprised at how unprofessional the business is run. Overall skills are very poor and below standard. Nobody asks me about my health conditions, if I have any existing issues, there is no diagnosis either before or during the treatment, and staff care more about how many TikTok videos are out there on the internet than about how my body is feeling after the massage.
Concluding, this is one big marketing machine that tries to lure Chinese customers to try Karsai as a tourist attraction but is not able to deliver to the promise of providing a real good and authentic Karsai massage. I would even warn others not to go because you might experience damage to your genital system.
In the lobby I check the certificates of the staff and there are no certificates whatsoever about Karsai, only the standard 150 hours Thai or oil massage that every basis masseuse has to do to get a paper. I'm sure that not many staff here have 15-20 years of solid Karsai experience as the business claims.
When I leave, nobody is interested in what the treatment did to my body. Instead, the staff are boosting about how many TikTok videos the shop put out.
I ask when it is advisable to have a Karsai treatment again. The 'master teacher' behind the counter says I can do it every day. Only this already tells me she is not a master teacher, as you need at least 3-4 days or a week before undergoing another Karsai treatment.
Overall, it is a very big disappointment to see how this business operates and that it is just one big marketing machine for Chinese tourists instead of providing sold Karsai massages.
和利健康按摩(和利 Health Massage )是泰国一家历史悠久的企业,主要专注于提供抓龙筋按摩服务。它主要针对中国客户,由一位中国老板经营。和利在泰国有四家分店,在中国有一家分店,以高价和声称提供正宗的抓龙筋按摩服务而闻名,这自然会引发客户的高度期待。
如果你刚吃完饭,是不应该马上接受抓龙筋按摩的。如果你有某些健康状况,也不应该进行抓龙筋按摩。 尤其是在客户患有前列腺炎的情况下。在这种情况下,应避免进行抓龙筋按摩,特别是前列腺按摩,你应该咨询医生。患有前列腺炎时进行前列腺按摩可能导致感染扩散到身体其他部位,这是非常危险的。 按摩师从未询问过我是否有这种既往病史。如果我有前列腺炎,她可能会使情况恶化。
我接受的治疗非常痛苦。即便你身体存在某些症状的情况下,抓龙筋按摩一般也不会带来疼痛,但是我的体验却完全不是这样。此外,按摩师错误地认为治疗应该是痛苦的:她用力拉我的睾丸和阴茎,这样的力度前所未有。 治疗结束后,我无法正常坐在摩托车上,因为我的睾丸下沉了1-2厘米并且很疼。
我问她在哪里学的抓龙筋,她避而不答,只说是在不同的地方学的,主要是从大堂的师傅那里学的。 柜台后的那位师傅?是的。我很好奇为什么一位师傅要做接待员。
在我离开的时候,我问那位师傅我什么时候可以再进行一次抓龙筋按摩。她说,我每天都可以进行。明天见。 但这又是错误的,任何真正接受过抓龙筋训练的从业者都知道,治疗后至少需要3-4天或一周的休息时间,才能进行下一次治疗。
结论:和利主要是一个将抓龙筋按摩卖给中国游客作为旅游景点的营销机器,价格非常高(THB 2,400-6,000),在一栋漂亮的新建筑里,但员工的技能、知识和专业水平确实低于普通水准。我相信如果你有前列腺炎,而员工不知道她在做什么,在和利接受按摩甚至可能会损害你的健康。 这家店声称按摩师有15-20年的经验,但很难相信他们在抓龙筋方面有这种经验。
Holi Health Massage even advertises to treat prostatitis by massaging glands and lymphal system. It is generally advised not to massage the prostate or the glands and lymphal system near it when you have prostatitis, because it can spread the infection to other parts of the body. Without proper knowledge and skills, this could cause major health issues. With the curent skills and knowledge level at Holi, I would not dare to.
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