Supanich Condominium

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Rotfai Rd. Chiang Mai, Thailand
18.784323, 99.015741

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Supanich Condominium is one of the established condominiums in Chiang Mai, built probably in the early 90s but still in good shape.
Supanich Condominium is a pleasant local condominium only 8 floors high and spread out about in 2-3 different wings, giving the building a pleasant feel.
The building has ample parking space and a swimming pool, that is shared with the adjacent Bossotel Hotel, just across from Chiang Mai's train station.
Standard size of a studio in this condo is about 38 sq.m. with a nice little balcony. The corner units are bigger with 2 balconies and normally 2 bedrooms, in total about 88 sq.m. The common area fee of this condo is still relatively low at about 15 baht per sq. m.

There are condos for rent and condos for sale in this building, usually at quite competitve prices.
More info, ask Chiang Mai Locator Real Estate Services



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Supanich Condominium
Supanich Condominium
Supanich Condominium

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