Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) branch 1

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208/1 Chiang Mai-Lamphun Road, Wat Gate, Amphur Maung, Chiang Mai 50220
053 241246 / 241816 - call center 1129
18.773634, 99.006890

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Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) การไฟฟ้าส่วนภูมิภาคจังหวัดเชียงใหม่ สาขาที่ 1 เลขที่ 208/1 ถนนเชียงใหม่ - ลำพูน ตำบลวัดเกต อำเภอเมือง จังหวัดเชียงใหม่ 50000
If you own or rent a condo or house, this is the government's office where you can go to pay for your electricity bills. On some days, especially end and beginning of the month, there may be a long queu to pay. You can also arrange for a direct debit instruction here and at your bank. You can also pay for your electricity bills at the reception of your condominium building or at any 7 Eleven (with some charges).
Other Offices: branch 2 near 700 Year's Stadium



Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) branch 1 photos

Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) branch 1
Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) branch 1
Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) branch 1

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