Watchan Royal Project

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291 Keaonawarat Rd, Muang, Chiangmai Thailand 50000
+66 5324 9349
18.802211, 99.014977

More info

Welcome to a cool place destination at Ban Watchan Royal Project Resort operated by the Forest Industry Organization offering clean facilities, quiet seclusion, and friendly service. We are located in Kanlayaniwattana District. Ban Chan, Chiang Mai Province and shares a border with Mae Hong Sorn province. Our property is wooded and offers our quests a unique chance to enjoy the peaceful aspects of nature. It is only about 165 kilometers from the Chiangmai City, at an altitude of 1,025 meters above sea level. You will delight in the natural charm and fragrance of many pine tree surrounding the resort.


Watchan Royal Project photos

Watchan Royal Project
Watchan Royal Project
Watchan Royal Project
Watchan Royal Project
Watchan Royal Project

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