BTS Group

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44/3 Sridonchai Rd., T.Hai Ya, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50100 Thailand
+66-89-433-1505 - 053449242
18.781039, 98.995488

More info

BTS is home to of a group of businesses. Operating in Chiang Mai for more than 10 years and with a stable and loyal client base, BTS Group provides the following professional services:
- real estate: find a property to rent or buy;
- visa services: get your visa issues done with the help of professional staff
- retirement services: find your new home in Chiang Mai after you retire ( and settle down (
- investment services
BTS Group is also the home of one of Chiang Mai's networking groups called Chiang Mai Friends (, a mix of local Thai and foreigners who wish the best for Chiang Mai.
All staff are friendly, efficient and bi-lingual.



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BTS Group

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